The latest show at Elastic reveals the work of three emerging artists, Mark Harris, Dawn Woolley and Matt Nee and explores the historical, social and architecutural/spatial qualities of the ‘house’ predominantly through the medium of installation. Ideas relating to the discourse of house and home are particularly relevant in this venue, a late Georgian house which equally acts as home to curator Deej Fabyc and her family. Mark Harris references the history of the house in his installation, in which period wallpaper is fed through giant shredders, its tatters spilling out onto the floor of the gallery. This act of destruction is contrasted by Dawn Woolleys meticulously constructed doll’s house which satirises the gender-specific nature of this child’s toy and of the relationships performed within it, while Matt Nee’s installation considers the relationship between current sculptural work, furniture design and architecture.

The show opens on Tuesday 16th of January with an opening party from 6-8.30pm
and will run for five weeks
Opening Times:
Saturday and Sunday 13:00 – 18:00

and by appointment.