KISSS The Kinship International Strategy on Surveillance and Suppression
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Project Launch and Press Conference: 25 August 2005

The KISSS launch and press conference took place on  Thursday the 25th of August at 6pm in the Auditorium of the WHITECHAPEL GALLERY London.

The programme included contributions from:Coco Fusco, Anne Bean, RARESONIK, Deej Fabyc , Joanna Callaghan, paula roush, Camilla Brueton, Season Butler, Maxine Hall, Dolores Sanchez Calvo and Calum F.Kerr.


Coco Fusco

The Screening of

a/k/a Mrs. George Gilbert
2004, 31 minutes, black and white

a/k/a Mrs. George Gilbert extends Coco Fusco’s in- depth examination of racialized imagery.
Fusco combines fictional and documentary source materials to reflect on the use of electronic
surveillance against black intellectuals and activists in the 1960s and 1970s as part of covert
FBI operations that bear a striking resemblance to the current Patriot Act-inspired activities
of American law enforcement.

Anne Bean

Autobituary: In 1969 on several occasions in Cape Town, South Africa I sat motionless for several hours with parts of my body painted black, on a public park bench officially marked Whites Only (Net Blankes). I was always threatened, taken in for questioning and moved on by the police. As part of a new work Autobituary, I recently repeated this action in parks in Hull and London. Strangely, the sense of surveillance and suppression was still palpable though utterly different. Originally, I felt overt, strong, angry, scared. Now, I felt covert and anxious.


RARESONIK is a Collaboration of C-LOOPSEEND (Noriko Uno and Karin Gunnarsson) and Keiko Owada (a.k.a Bassist / Martin Creed + the band). The group brutally examines, reforms and metaphases the early 1990s club classics into the seductive world of certainty: "Well, its not gonna happen!" in the urban decade.

Deej Fabyc

strategy presentation : Body Fortress

How does what we wear and how we respond to our bodies reflect our culture(s), phobias, supresssed energies, hopes and dissapointments in this time of increased surviellance and supression?
performance: Pertinent Details/PISSTAKE [more info>]

Joanna Callaghan

video screening & performance: Media Watch
Results from preliminary investigations undertaken by Task Forces and Correspondents.

Paula Roush

strategy presentation: Bionic Bodies
event: working session: Towards a Tagsonomy of Surveillance
Addressing biotech classificatory systems in current electronic tagging. Presentation of Bowville, a performative documentary fictionalising the biopolitical in electronic tagging. Launch of KISSS’ working group on bio-tag.


Camilla Brueton

strategy presentation: I See You See [link:::]


Season Butler

performance: Breaking News: Information will keep you safe. Stay tuned.


Maxine Hall

performance: Untitled



This event is generously supported by University of Wales.





Other events>

Media watch / Resonance

Policy Briefing: 19 August 2005